Okay well my mom said she would get my a phone if i got straight A's by the end of the school year, which is 3-4 months away.
But i really really want a phone by the end of this month or by mid april which is next month.
I have straight A's right now except for 1 or 2 B's. How can i convince her to get me the phone earlier?
Also how can i convice her to let me have texting? She doesn't want me to have texting because she thinks that it'll distract me from schoolwork, but it wont because ive had a phone before and it didnt distract me.
thanks for the hrlp.Advice about phones and parents! 10 pts?
A lot of people have texting and still get good grades. I use about 20,000 texts a month and I take AP and all honor classes and have all A's. with a 5.0 GPA now that is just stereotyping teenagers who text.
Well it depends on your age. I couldn't get a phone until the middle of my 8th grade year. And maybe bring those 2 B's up to an A by the end of April or by the middle of April and show her that you are doing good and maybe she will let you.Advice about phones and parents! 10 pts?
What I would do is I would ask if I could do extra chores around the house to earn the phone earlier. Also, be really nice and helpful about everything and try to stay out of trouble. Also after you get the phone, and if you get texting, show her that you can focus on your school work without your phone for about an hour a day. Also, pull up your 1 or 2 Bs to As.
okay so we all no parents are very complicated so figure out what needs done all the time (example):
you're sink is over flowing with dishes! offer to do them once or twice a week.
the laundry room is a mess with dirty clothes! offer to do them on a day your free.
compremise is important too (example):
Sally: mom, How about you buy me a phone for my b-day, and I will do the dishes once or twice a week, and work for the bill?
Sally's Mom: how about you do dishes once a week and the laundry twice a week?
Sally:But I'm very busy mom and the laundry room is not that bad so how about I do the dishes once a week and the laundry twice a week and I clean the car.
Sally's mom: ok it's a deal but you have to promise!
Sally: Oh mom, I promise!
you see it's simple Sally and her mom did and so can you!
Well you don't really have straight A's do you. 1 or 2 B's is not straight A's. Almost only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades. Truely have all A's and see if there is a way to prove you a currently pulling straight A's.
Other than that such is life deal with it.
ask her to let you have the phone on a limited warranty, or borrow a phone from somebody who doesent use theirs alot and prove to her that it will not affect your schooling what so ever.
give it a try! hope i helped :)
get all A's
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