Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Need objective advice about giving advice?

I am the one that people come to when they have a problem.. whether it be about guys, school, work, other friends.. you name it. I am like the effing counselor.

I am starting to get overwhelmed because everyone comes to me to spill problems with other friends. (You know that stupid teenage girl drama that NEVER ends) They always want advice or whatever...

but how am I supposed to give it when the story changes each time?

I have tried to deflect the conversations and such... but it hasn't proven effective.

I am unsure of what to say and do, because with all the different stories, I don't know what is true and what isn't.

I have contemplated telling them to talk to someone else.. but that seems much too selfish and I would be incredibly guilt ridden.

So I need some advice for advice?Need objective advice about giving advice?
Advice, set definite limits, I know you know this. you're letting compassion and empathy kill you, and I do mean that literally. One day you're going to be so frazzled by this you're just not going to care and start to spout platitudes that any radio talk show host can do. If you even have a pinch of feeling for these souls, a pinch about yourself, tell them to f-off. You can apologize later.Need objective advice about giving advice?
it's not selfish to tell people to shut up about their problems, even if they are your friends.

would you expect your friends to allow you to blabber on and on about your various complaints and emotional issues every time you guys hang out and expect them to fix it all for you? i sure wouldn't.

just be like, guys, can we not talk about this today? i'm feeling really tired/upset/confused myself.

and if they let you, they're a good friend. if not, well... 'nuff said.

don't let people make you feel guilty for trying to live your life as you want to live it, not catering to other people's neediness.

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