Monday, July 26, 2010

Advice about Amino at 38 weeks 3 days is it necessary?

(Previous pregnancy i had a placental abrution cause by a car accident and low lying placenta i went in to labor and my water broke she the delivered my first angel by emergency c section at 23w 6d and she was to little to survive) I have had no problems with this pregnancy and the gave me two steriod shots one today and one yesturday so i dont understand why they are trying to get me to do an amnio like i said i will be 38 weeks 3 days and they are doing the amino to see if her lungs will be ready. For a c-section delivery on the 9th of october which will put me at 38 weeks 6 days. I am extremely worried about the amino and dont see why it would be neccesary for her to have it done if babies are considered full term at 37 weeks. I need help to understand all of this and are my drs just trying to make more money?

Advice about Amino at 38 weeks 3 days is it necessary?
I think you are right to be concerned. Amnio is always a risky procedure and it doesn't seem like it's necessary, but like the previous poster said, we're not doctors. If I were you, I would ask another doctor for a second opinion. All the best to you!Advice about Amino at 38 weeks 3 days is it necessary?
I wouldn't do it. But I am not a doctor. Remember this is your pregnancy and if you are not convinced this is necessary then push for more information.
I think the doc just wants to make sure little one's lungs are mature enough to be born now. That's it. Good luck.
First my condolences and prayers for your first little blessed angel. May the Lord be with you.

Secondly it is common practice to have an amnio done if a c-section is planned before 39 weeks, even 1 day. Having an amnio at term doesn't carry the same risks as earlier in the pregnancy. They want to check if the babies lungs are developed (even though you have already been given the steroids). If the amnio shows that the babies lungs are not fully developed then they will postpone the c-section if possible.

I understand your concern, but it is a common practice with little to no risk.

God Bless you for a happy and healthy baby!
i will get a second opinion, that sounds weird, beside they suppose to do the anmio between 14 and 18 weeks, cause there is more amniotic fluid in the placenta, now there is less amniotic fluid they can hurt your baby with the needle. Also your baby its full term. go ahead and get concernd... Good Luck hun!!
That's a really good question! I agree with your concern. I don't think I would have one done. You're right- is it really necessary??

It seems like they'd know the condition of your baby's lungs right away! But, I have no experience in this and am not a doctor, so don't trust my answer. I don't think I'd do it unless they think it is vital.

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